Thursday, February 16, 2012

Sharing my Creations

This was done with the Cricut, cutting out the flowers with white paper, then using the purple paper in the bacground. The green stems were cut using the Cricut.

I've had the rounded frame for awhile now, just waiting for the right moment to use it.

I was looking for a "Just a Note" stamp but couldn't find one so I printed this off instead.

I enjoyed my attempt at stamping and using chalk.

This is one of my favorites since I'm very fond of the pink and green combination.

Very simple but you can never go wrong with brown/blue combo.

This was another attempt at stamping. Not my favorite but it will do.

Pink and green all occasion card.

A Valentine's card for my granddaughter. 

For my grandson.

Using my new Cricut!

Happy Birthday
Vintage look, feminine Valentine. 

My workstation. This desk with lights and pegboard was made by my Great Uncle Dan.

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