Friday, January 2, 2015

Guess I was in a butterfly kinda mood. I need to move on to a different theme, although I do love butterflys!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Pinterest Inspiration

Pinterest has been such an inspiration for my card making. While I don't look to copy other cards I see, for the most part,  I do look at the cards to give me inspiration on my projects.  The one exception is the "bird card". I thought it was so clever when I saw it on Pinterest, I just had to make my own version, especially because I just happened to buy these birds at Joanne Fabric over the weekend! The main card color is tan, however, the photo makes it look green.

I was able to make two more cards to send to Retreat attendees.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

More cards

I'm preparing for the upcoming Church Retreat with the theme of "Strength for The Journey".

"Strength for the Journey"

I finally found my "Just a little note" stamp. I'm big into music so anytime
I can use the music theme makes me happy.

I really like black and white combo.

I've had this mermaid card stock for awhile and was waiting for the 
perfect project. This is a birthday card.